If you do not like reading on web, please download the pdf in the "links" section on the right side. Thank you. Foreword This wonderful piece of writing is the end product of imagination of a young boy in his teens and his fascination for Trains and Indian Railways. He might have written it just for his love of traveling in trains and then of course he involved his own created fictional detective “George Wilson” and his assistant “Raghuvir” The story was written in August 1993 and was lost in the attic of his house. After much persuasion and difficulty it was brought out and here we have it. The Names of Cities, Trains, their timings and some other facts mentioned in this story belong to as they were in the year 1993. -Ravindra Khandrika 16 September 2014 Snails on Wheels 1. Introduction “Raghu, I’ve got a brilliant idea today. Guess it!” Wilson was in his usual mood during the supper. “Well, maybe you are planning to buy a vi...
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